The tattooist person was my auntie friends brother and the boss was my auntie friend as well my uncle and that had to paint the shop black and gold because the other colour was pink and cream they didn’t like that colour because there were going to be a Baber and a Tattooist that was going to work their with my auntie and her friend they are all Tongans.
The Tattooist had some mean pictures people wanted him to give them a tattoo but they had to wait tell Tuesday because the had just moved in to their shop so the had to make his space so that he can work with the people who wanted a tattoo.
The hairdressing people was my auntie and her friend they are both Tongans they ask as if we wanted to do our hair but we said no because we had to help the barber and the tattooist out and my auntie we wanted to get our hair done but we had to help to clean up so they can open the shop so people can get their hair done and get a tattoo from the tattooist.
The baber had some hair cut that he was going to do on some of the people that was going to get their hair done some of the people that were going to see him on Tuesday. They ask him if he could give them nigger lines.And other things that he can do.It was so cool because we can get what ever we want.